Reference methods: releases of vinyl chloride from plants, figures, forms and acronyms

List of Figures

List of Forms

List of Acronyms

flame ionization detector

gas chromatograph

Hall electro-conductivity detector

photoionization detector

polyvinyl chloride

vinyl chloride

vinyl chloride monomer

Long Descriptions

Equation S-1.1

Cf=Cb/ (1-Bwo)

Equation S-1.2

Cf'=Cf10,9 / (20,9 - %02

Equation S-1.3

ERvc=2,56 X 10-6CfQs(8,64 X 104)

Equation S-1.4

ERvc/pvc=ERvc/ Ppvc 

Equation S-2.1

ERvc/pvc= 2,56 X 10-6CbVr/ W 

Equation S-3.1


Equation A-1.2

Cc=Ac / Rf 

Equation A-1.3

Cb=CcPrTi / PiTr 

Equation A-2.2

Cc=Ac / Rf 

Equation A-2.3

Crvc=CcPa / T1(MvVg/ mw(TS)R + KpT2+Kw(1-TS) / TS X T2

Equation A-2.4

Vg= Vv- mw(TS) / 1,4 - mw(1-TS) / 0,9653 

Equation A-2.5

Crvc=CcPa / T1(MvVg/mdR + KpT2)

Equation A-2.6

Vg= Vv - md / 1,4

Figure S-1-1 Sampling Train for Vinyl Chloride Releases

In Figure S-1-1, a sample is drawn through a probe located in the stack.  Also located in the stack or vent is a pitot tube which is connected to a manometer outside the vent.  The sample then flows through a series of optional impingers or condenser to remove moisture which are connected to a pump followed by a needle valve and rotameter to control and measure the flow.  The exhaust from the rotameter is directed either to the sampling bag by a quick connect coupling or to atmosphere for purging the sample lines before sampling.

Figure S-2-1 Sampling Train for Measuring Reactor Opening Releases

In Figure S-2-1, a sample is drawn through a probe located in the reactor.  The sample line is connected to a pump followed by a needle valve and rotameter to control and measure the flow.  The exhaust from the rotameter is directed either to the sampling bag by a quick connect coupling or to atmosphere for purging the sample lines before sampling.

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