Canadian Environmental Protection Act and the National Pollutant Release Inventory

National Pollutant Release Inventory

The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) provides Canadians with facility-specific information regarding the release (to air, water, and land), disposal and recycling of more than 300 substances. These include substances that meet the criteria under section 64 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) (that is, toxic substances), pollutants that contribute to smog, poor air quality and acid rain (that is, air pollutants), and other substances of concern.

As specified in an annual notice in the Canada Gazette, industrial and commercial facilities that meet the NPRI reporting criteria must report to Environment and Climate Change Canada. The information collected is then made available to Canadians.

Sections of CEPA that cover the NPRI

The NPRI is covered under sections 46 to 53 of CEPA. Section 46 addresses the creation of inventories of data; section 48 states that the minister shall establish a national inventory of releases of pollutants; section 50 states that the minister shall publish this inventory; and sections 47, 49, and 51-53 contain guidelines for the collection and publication of inventory data.

The NPRI is specifically included in this legislation

The federal government considers the information provided by the NPRI vital to its efforts to reduce releases of substances of concern to the environment and to protect the health of Canadians.

The NPRI provides Canadians with information on releases and transfers in their communities. It is also used by the department in its management of toxic substances and air pollutants. The publication of this information encourages companies to voluntarily reduce their releases and transfers and allows the Government of Canada to track reductions or increases. The NPRI also helps governments determine if regulatory action is necessary to ensure reductions and, if so, the form that action should take.

Information that must be reported to the NPRI

If a facility meets the NPRI reporting criteria as specified in the Canada Gazette notice for a particular year, the company must report the following:


Section 50 of CEPA specifically directs the minister to publish a national inventory of releases of pollutants. All information reported to the NPRI that is considered non-confidential is made available to Canadians. Confidentiality provisions are addressed in sections 51 to 53 of CEPA.

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Contact us

Environment and Climate Change Canada
351 St-Joseph Blvd 5th floor
Gatineau QC  KIA OH3
Telephone: 1‑877‑877‑8375
Fax: 819‑938‑5236

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