Canada-Ontario Agreement on Great Lakes: annex 9

Annex 9: climate change impacts

The purpose of this annex is to continue to build understanding of climate change impacts and advance the integration of this knowledge into Great Lakes adaptation strategies and management actions.

Climate change impacts are being observed in the Great Lakes. Some of the most evident impacts include warmer water, changing precipitation patterns, decreased ice coverage and increased lake evaporation.

Climate change can also affect physical, chemical and biological processes in the Great Lakes. For example, warmer water temperatures can result in increased algal blooms, changes to the rates of biological productivity, and effects on water quality; extremes in water levels pose significant risks to the Great Lakes including implications for water quality and ecosystem functions (see also the nutrients and lakewide management annexes); changes in precipitation patterns may affect shoreline processes and increase the concentration of nutrients, which may in turn increase harmful and nuisance algal blooms; and native fish and wildlife habitats, populations and diversity may be affected by changes to ecosystem functions and by new or expanded ranges of invasive species (see also the aquatic invasive species annex).

This Annex contains commitments that will improve our understanding of the effects of climate change on Great Lakes water quality and ecosystem health. Existing and future climate change impacts and vulnerabilities will be assessed in order to inform management plans and strategies and to help communities take actions to increase ecosystem resiliency to a changing climate. This annex also outlines commitments that support communities in being better prepared to take action on climate change impacts and adaptation.

Goal 1: Enhance knowledge of existing and future impacts of climate change in relation to the Great Lakes.

Result 1.1 - Improved understanding of climate change impacts in the Great Lakes.

Canada and Ontario will:

Canada will:

Ontario will lead, with Canada’s support:

Ontario will:

Goal 2: Share information about climate change impacts, advance the integration of this information into Great Lakes management strategies and promote adaptation actions.

Result 2.1 - Assessment of existing and future climate change impacts and vulnerabilities of the Great Lakes to inform adaptive management actions.

Canada and Ontario will:

Canada will:

Result 2.2 - Provision of climate change information to the Great Lakes community, including decision-makers and resource managers.

Canada and Ontario will:

Result 2.3 - Communities are better prepared to take action on climate change impacts and adaptation.

Ontario will:

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