DATA FIELDS AND DESCRIPTIONS ============================ Boreal_Caribou_Range_Boundaries_AsOfAug292011.shp _________________________________________________ Field: HERD Field type: Text Width: 30 Field description: Boreal caribou range name Field: PROV_TERR Field type: Text Width: 30 Field description: Province or Territory where range is located Field: LABEL Field type: Text Width: 30 Field description: Boreal caribou range name for labeling Field: HERD_ID Field type: Short Field description: Unique ID used for caribou ranges Field: Area Field type: Double Field description: Area of range in meters squared Field: Perim Field type: Double Field description: Perimeter of range in meters *_Anthropogenic_Disturbance_Footprint _______________________________________ Field: Area Field type: Double Field description: Area of disturbance footprint in meters squared Field: Perim Field type: Double Field description: Perimeter of disturbance footprint in meters *_Anthropogenic_and_40YrFire_Disturbance_Footprint ___________________________________________________ Field: Area Field type: Double Field description: Area of disturbance footprint in meters squared Field: Perim Field type: Double Field description: Perimeter of disturbance footprint in meters