Audit of the National Hydrometric Program

Final - March 19, 2010

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Annex 4 - –Network Configuration

  1. Azar, John, David Sellars and Dan Schroeter. 2003. Water Quantity Monitoring in British Columbia: A Business Review of the BC Hydrometric Programs. BC Ministry of Sustainable Resources Management.

  2. Ehsanzadeh, Eghbal and Kaz Adamowski. 2007. “Detection of Trends in Low Flows across Canada.” Canadian Water Resources Journal, 32(4): 251–264.

  3. Environment Canada, 1996: Climate Network Rationalization. Atmospheric Environment Service, National Weather Services Directorate, Downsview, Ontario, November, 48 pp. plus 116 pp. of annexes.

  4. Environment Canada, 2004: Threats to Water Availability, NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No. 3, Environment Canada.

  5. Environment Canada, 2006. Hydrometric Monitoring Business Case.

  6. Halliday, R.A. 2008. Water Survey of Canada – A History.

  7. Hamilton, Stuart and Paul H. Whitfield. 2008. “Invited Commentary: Coupling Science and Monitoring to Meet Future Information Needs.” Canadian Water Resources Journal, 33(1): 1–4.

  8. Shahgedanova, M. 2003. The Physical Geography of Northern Eurasia. Oxford University Press.

  9. Slack, J.R. and J.M. Landwehr, 1992: Hydro-Climatic Data Network (HCDN): a U.S. Geological Survey Streamflow Data Set for the United States for the Study of Climate Variations, 1874-1988. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 92-129, USGS Water supply Paper No. 2406, Reston, Virginia.

  10. Sokolov, A.A.1964. Gidrografiya SSSR, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad.

  11. Stewart, D. 2008. Personal communication. Hydrometry Process, Environment Agency, England and Wales.

  12. USGS. 2005. Streamflow Trends in the United States. Fact Sheet 2005-3017.

  13. USGS.2007. Facing tomorrow’s challenges. US Geological Survey Science in the Decade 2007-2017. Circular 1309.

  14. Whitfield, Paul, H., Paul J. Pilon, Donald H. Burn, Vivek Arora, Harry F. Lins, Taha Ouarda, C. David Sellars and Christopher Spence, 2004, Climate Variability and Change, Rivers and Streams. Chapter 11 in Threats to Water Availability, NWRI Scientific Assessment Report Series No.3, Environment Canada.

  15. Wittwer, C. 2009. The Flood Vigilance. Second Experts’ Symposium on Multi-Hazard Early Warning Systems 5-7 May 2009, Toulouse, France.

  16. WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION 1981. Guide to Hydrological Practices Volume 1: Data Acquisition and Processing. Report No. 168.

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