Evaluation of the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk

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7.0 Management Response

The SAR Assistant Deputy Minister (ADM) Committee accepts the evaluation and its recommendations. As the Habitat Stewardship Program (HSP) for Species at Risk is part of the Species at Risk Program, the full implementation of the management response is also subject to considerations and requirements that may emerge from the 5-year Parliamentary Review of the Species at Risk Act (underway) and of the conclusions and recommendations of the next SAR Program Evaluation in 2010-2011.

Recommendation 1a: It is recommended that members of the SAR ADM Committee develop guidance documents to ensure a more timely identification of critical habitats and development of action plans for the protection and recovery of species at risk and their habitats. 

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation. 

Independently of the evaluation of the Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, the SAR ADM Committee had already agreed to ensure: 1)  completion and publication on the SARA Public Registry, by 2009, of the SARA Policy Framework which includes sections on Assessment, Protection, Recovery Planning, Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation; 2) completion, by Fall 2009, of a guidance document related to Recovery Strategies Content; 3) completion, by Summer 2010, of guidance documents related to Critical Habitat (Identification, Destruction, Legal Protection and Effective Protection of Critical Habitat) and 4) completion by Fall 2010 of a guidance document related to Action Plans Content.  Completion of this work will improve the timeliness of the identification of critical habitat and of the development of recovery action plans.

Recommendation 1b: It is recommended that members of the SAR ADM Committee clearly articulate the expected role of the HSP in the implementation of the wider federal SAR Program and revise the HSP funding allocation criteria and formula accordingly.

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation.

The SARA Policy Framework, to be posted on the SARA Public Registry in 2009, includes an overview of the mechanisms, including the HSP, intended to implement recovery strategies, action plans and management plans. Furthermore, the SAR ADM Committee will mandate, in Fall 2009, a working group to examine all the mechanisms in place to implement the SAR Program in order to review and clearly articulate, by Spring 2010, the role and mandate of each of these mechanisms, including the HSP. With the role of the HSP clearly articulated, the funding allocation criteria and formula, will be revised accordingly by Summer 2010.

In the interim, the national call letter for 2010-2011 has been revised to reflect SAR ADM Committee priorities, including directing funds to geographic and threat-based priority areas for species at risk and encouraging geographically conservation planning for SAR recovery. The national call letter was approved by the SAR ADM Committee at the end of August 2009 and the regional funding allocation criteria and project evaluation grid are being revised accordingly.

Recommendation 2: It is recommended that the SAR ADM Committee first, conduct an assessment of the capacity required to adequately fulfill the HSP's mandate and, secondly, ensure that the program has, or has access to, this required capacity. 

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation. 

As part of the articulation, by Spring 2010, of the role and mandate of each of all the mechanisms in place to implement the SAR Program, the SAR ADM Committee will carefully assess the resource and capacity implications of the role identified for the HSP and, if necessary, will identify and seek additional resources to enable the HSP to fulfil this new orientation.

The SAR ADM Committee will also oversee improvements to the communication of HSP priorities to program partners and proponents. 

Recommendation 3: It is recommended that members of the SAR ADM Committee oversee revisions to the HSP logic model in view of identifying intermediate outcomes that can be measured and attributed to the program within a 5-year timeframe.

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation.

The SAR Funding Programs (AFSAR, HSP and IRF) are developing a logic model and key performance indicators and the HSP Performance Measurement Strategy is being revised by the National Steering Committee accordingly.  The SAR ADM Committee will ensure that the intermediate outcomes for HSP are realistic, appropriate, and can be measured and attributed to the program within a 5-year timeframe.  The HSP Performance Measurement Strategy will be presented to the SAR ADM Committee for approval by Winter 2009/10.

Recommendation 4a: It is recommended that members of the SAR ADM Committee oversee the development of a formal and systematic mechanism for monitoring the collection and reporting of performance/outcome data by funding recipients.

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation. 

The SAR Funding Programs (AFSAR, HSP and IRF) are developing a logic model and key performance indicators, and the HSP Performance Measurement Strategy is being revised by the National Steering Committee accordingly.  The HSP Performance Measurement Strategy outlines the program logic model and performance measurement plan, including the performance measures, indicators and the supporting data requirements, and data collection and verification strategy. The Performance Measurement Strategy will include a formal and systematic mechanism for monitoring the collection and reporting of performance/ outcome data by funding recipients. The HSP Performance Measurement Strategy will be presented to the SAR ADM Committee for approval by Winter 2009/10. 

Recommendation 4b: It is recommended that members of the SAR ADM Committee oversee improvements to monitoring and reporting of results of aquatic projects through adjustments to the existing program performance indicators.

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation. 

The SAR Funding Programs (AFSAR, HSP and IRF) are developing a logic model and key performance indicators and the HSP Performance Measurement Strategy is being revised by the National Steering Committee accordingly.  The SAR ADM Committee will ensure that specific outcomes and related performance indicators are included for monitoring and reporting the results of aquatic projects.  The HSP Performance Measurement Strategy will be presented to the SAR ADM Committee for approval by Winter 2009-2010.

Recommendation 5a: It is recommended that the SAR ADM Committee consider alternative options to expedite the administration of HSP funds, including the possibility for each participating department/agency to disburse HSP funds to its respective target stakeholders.

The SAR ADM Committee agrees with the recommendation to examine this option.

As in the past, the SAR ADMs Committee will consider alternative options, including the possibility for each participating department/agency to disburse HSP funds and administer the contribution agreements with its respective target stakeholders no later than the next renewal of the federal species at risk program in 2011-2012.

Recommendation 5b: It is recommended that the ADM responsible for the HSP at Environment Canada identify ways to avoid delays in future Environment Canada financial approvals processes for HSP projects under the department’s lead. 

The EC ADM acknowledges the issue with the timing of the allocation of the EC grant and contribution budget.  Recognizing that others in EC have the responsibility for the allocation of departmental budgets, the EC ADM will continue to work within EC toward an allocation that enables HSP contribution agreements to be signed by the beginning of each fiscal year.  The EC ADM made a significant contribution to obtaining approval for 2009-2010 HSP contribution budget on April 28, 2009, significantly earlier than the three preceding fiscal years.

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