Evaluation Review of the Clean Air Agenda Adaptation Theme: Review of Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement Findings


Table 1. Adaptation Theme Spending: Planned vs. Actual (2007-2009) and Planned Only (2009-2011) (in thousands)a
Program Initiatives Dept. Planned 07-08 Actual 07-08 Planned 08-09 Actual 08-09 Planned 09-10 Planned 10-11
1. Assistance to Northerners in Assessing Key Vulnerabilities and Opportunities INAC $0 $338 $2,550 $2,237 $4,800 $4,500
2. National Air Quality Health Index and Forecast Program EC & HC $6,000 $5,028 $8,000 $6,774 $8,000 $8,000
3. Climate Change and Health Adaptation in Northern/Inuit Communities HC $0 $0 $2,405 $1,823 $2,150 $2,150
4. Improved Climate Change Scenarios EC $0 $0 $5,211 $3,568 $4,900 $4,890
5. Innovative Risk Management Tools / 6. Regional Adaptation Action Partnerships NRCanb $0 $0 $3,955 $2,859 $14,200 $9,200
7. Climate and Infectious Disease Alert and Response Systems to Protect the Health of Canadians HC $0 $0 $2,450 $1,848 $2,150 $2,750
PHAC $494 $2527 $1,474 $1,239 $1,938 $2,174
Total   $6,494 $5,618 $26,045 $20,348 $38,138 $33,664

Source for Planned and Actual 07-08 & 08-09: Environment Canada Departmental Performance Reports: 2008 and 2009 and program documentation.

Source for Planned 09-10 & 10-11: Annex A to Horizontal Evaluation Plan for the Clean Air Agenda

a Figures for planned spending presented in this report for 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 may differ from those published in Environment Canada’s DPRs due to differences in reporting periods. As well, some allocated resources were reprofiled. As a result, the total for planned spending does not add to $115.9 million.

b Natural Resources Canada reprofiled allocated resources to include an additional year of program activity in 2011-2012

7 Senior management at PHAC were able to cash manage funds for the 2007-2008 fiscal year, and the program was thus able to report spending in that year.
