Evaluation of Canada's Participation in the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

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Annex 5 - Interview Guides

Interview Guide for Canadian Federal Government Officials

Nature of Involvement:

1. What is the nature of your involvement with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)?

Relevance: focuses on the contribution of the CEC to the overall Canadian federal government agenda.

2. In your opinion, how does the CEC contribute to the overall Canadian federal government agenda?

Success: focuses on whether the CEC's efforts have been conducive to the effective delivery of NAAEC's interests and objectives. It also focuses on whether Canada has benefited from and/or participated in these efforts.

3. What is your understanding of the CEC's main objectives?

4. I'd like to ask about the CEC's role in five specific areas under the Agreement (NAAEC), and the extent to which Canada has contributed, or not, to this role. Please provide examples where possible.

  1. Harmonization of relevant policies between Canada and the other two countries (US, Mexico).
  2. Development and/or improvement of relevant tools, such as laws, regulations, procedures, policies and practices, as they relate to Canada.
  3. Improved compliance and enforcement of applicable environmental laws, as they relate to Canada.
  4. Avoidance or resolution of trade distortions or barriers between Canada and the other countries.
  5. Increased its cooperation with the U.S. and Mexico to better conserve, protect, and enhance the environment as a result of CEC actions and efforts?

5. To what extent has the CEC been transparent and encouraged public participation in Canada, in terms of its activities and operations? Provide examples where possible.

6. Are you aware of any unintended outcomes or consequences that have resulted from CEC's activities (e.g. not specifically part of its objectives or intent)? Please describe what these are, Canada's role in them, and how they have been addressed, if at all.

Design and Delivery: focuses on whether the CEC functions and activities are designed and delivered in the best possible way and looks at the implications of this design and delivery for Canada and for EC in particular.

7. Based on what you know or have heard, please comment on the effectiveness with which each of the following has been operating, in terms of being well managed and accountable:

  1. CEC Council
  2. CEC Secretariat
  3. Joint Public Advisory Committee

8. Please provide examples, if any, of functions and activities of CEC that:

  1. have been delivered as designed.
  2. have not been delivered as designed.

9. Is performance data collected against CEC activities and outcomes?

  1. If so, is collected information used to inform CEC sub bodies and/or the Parties? Please describe and provide examples.
  2. If collected, is this performance data relevant to Canada? Please describe and provide examples.

10. Who in Canada is being reached by CEC activities and programs? Who is being missed?

11. In your opinion, to what extent are the Canadian stakeholders satisfied or dissatisfied with the CEC? Please describe and provide examples.

Cost Effectiveness/Alternatives: focuses on whether the most appropriate, cost-effective and efficient means are being used to achieve objectives as they relate to Canadian needs.

12. Are you aware of other organizations which have a mandate or objectives that overlap/complement with those of the CEC?

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Interview Guide for External Stakeholders

Environics Research Group.
September 11, 2006

Environment Canada
2006 CEC Stakeholder Research

Interview Protocol

A. Background Information on CEC and Stakeholder Involvement

1. Provide a brief overview of your organization's history/background, and its overall purpose or mandate.

2. What is your organization's key target audience and/or stakeholders?

3. How familiar are you with the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)? (IF NOT AT ALL FAMILIAR, ASK IF SOMEONE ELSE IN ORGANIZATION IS MORE APPROPRIATE TO INTERVIEW)

4. What sources of information and knowledge have you drawn from in terms of your understanding of the CEC?

5. What is your understanding of the CEC's main objectives?

6. Are you aware of other organizations which have a mandate or objectives that directly overlap with those of the CEC?

7. How would you describe your organization's specific interest in the CEC?

8. Please describe the nature and extent of your organization's involvement in CEC programs.

B. CEC Progress and Success

9. The CEC has been in place since 1994. To what extent do you believe the CEC is meeting its overall mission and objectives (MAY WANT TO PROVIDE THESE TO STAKEHOLDER)

10. In what areas do you believe has the CEC made the most progress?

11. In what areas do you believe it has made the least progress?

12. What do you see as the key factors that have influenced the accomplishments of the CEC?

13. What about Canada's contribution and role to the success of the CEC? In what ways has Canada contributed, or not contributed, to the CEC's progress in meeting its overall mission and objectives? (Canada in this case refers to all parties, including governments, NGOs, the public)

14. I'd like to ask about the CEC's role in the success in three specific areas under the Agreement (NAAEC), and the extent to which Canada has contributed, or not, to this role. Provide examples where possible.

  1. Development and/or improvement of relevant tools, such as laws, regulations, procedures, policies and practices, as they relate to Canada.
  2. Improved compliance and enforcement of applicable environmental laws, as they relate to Canada
  3. Avoidance or resolution of trade distortions or barriers between Canada and the other countries

15. Are you aware of any unintended outcomes or consequences that have resulted from CEC's activities (e.g., not specifically part of its objectives or intent)? Please describe what these are, Canada's role in them, and how they have been addressed, if at all.

16. More broadly, to what extent would you say the provisions/objectives of the North American Agreement on Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) are being achieved? How significant a role has the CEC played in the progress achieved to date? And how has Canada contributed to this progress?

C. Stakeholder and Public Outreach

17. To what extent has the CEC been transparent and encouraged public participation in Canada, in terms of its activities and operations? Provide examples where possible.

18. Who in Canada is being reached by CEC activities and programs? Who is being missed?

19. How would you characterize your own organization's interaction with the CEC? Has it been generally positive or negative, and why?

20. To what extent has the CEC been responsive to input from stakeholders generally? To input from your organization specifically?

D. CEC Operations

21. Are you familiar at all with the way in which the CEC, or any of its specific parts, operate (Council, Secretariat, Joint Public Advisory Committee)? (IF NO, SKIP TO SECTION E)

22. Based on what you know or have heard, please comment on the effectiveness with which each of the following has been operating, in terms of being well managed and accountable:

  1. CEC Council
  2. CEC Secretariat
  3. Joint Public Advisory Committee

23. How would you describe the level of cooperation between these three parts of the CEC? What has Canada's role been in this level of cooperation?

E. Looking Ahead

24. In 2004, the three participating countries set out a vision for the CEC for the next decade (Puebla Declaration). This vision entails four parts. For each please provide your perspective on: Extent of progress that is possible over remainder of decade Importance of Canada's involvement and active support to such progress Confidence that Canada will provide the necessary level of support What type of support is specifically needed from Canada

  1. As a catalyst to encourage action by the three countries and their stakeholders
  2. As a forum to facilitate regional action, to help coordinate dialogue and approaches to common environmental issues
  3. As a producer of concrete results, in the form of timely and policy-relevant recommendations
  4. As a provider of scientifically rigorous information at a North American scale, to support appropriate decision-making

25. Suggestions or recommendations of how CEC might improve its effectiveness or operations

26. In what ways can Canada better support the CEC and its objectives? {PROBE BY DIFFERENT CANADIAN SECTORS)

F. Conclusion

27 This concludes the interview. Before we end do you have any final comments about the CEC and Canada's role?

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