Evaluation of Canada's Participation in the Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)

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Management Response-Recommendation 1

Environment Canada (EC) agrees with the recommendation.

The CEC is a unique and innovative institution which allows Canada to work cooperatively with the U.S. and Mexico, on a range of environmental issues, while actively collaborating with civil society. Its mission87 remains as valid today as when the North American Agreement for Environmental Cooperation (NAAEC) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) were signed. This mission, broad mandate and the complexity of the environmental problems facing North America make it imperative, as proposed in this recommendation, that EC's leadership and engagement in the institution be as strategic and effective as possible.

To this end, by December 31st, 2007, EC will develop a plan to optimize the effectiveness of Canada's participation in the CEC. The plan will provide overall goals for Canada's participation in the CEC and will propose a framework for more closely aligning EC's participation in the CEC with established Canadian priorities. This alignment will be accomplished through the development of mechanisms to link departmental and government-wide priorities to the CEC's planning processes. The plan will also include an accountability mechanism to track the impact of CEC work and activities on Canada's policy development.

Some steps towards optimizing EC's participation in the CEC have already begun. EC has increased the resources on the CEC file and is assessing the strategic relevance of the CEC's current work program vis-à-vis Canadian priorities.

This work will be undertaken in close cooperation with the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT), and the three signatory provinces to the Canadian Intergovernmental Agreement to the NAAEC. Recommendations, advice and views of the Joint Public Advisory Committee (JPAC) and/or a Canadian National Advisory Committee (NAC) will also be taken into account during decision making.

Management Response-Recommendation 2

Environment Canada (EC) agrees with the recommendation.

EC recognizes the importance of engaging with the other NAEEC Parties and the CEC Secretariat in striving for continuous improvement and modernization of the CEC's planning, budgeting and management policies. EC will promote the following work with the other NAAEC Parties and the CEC Secretariat:

This efficiency work has already begun. At the 2004 CEC Council Session, the NAAEC Parties committed to streamlining the work of the CEC and agreed to make the organization known for concrete and measurable environmental results. The development of the CEC performance measurement framework has taken longer than expected, but the three CEC Parties are striving to ensure that this will be part of the next CEC Operational Plan for 2008-2010. Parties have also discussed the need to develop clear screening criteria for projects and have agreed to support a corporate communication approach.

Canada's leadership within the CEC will continue to focus on making the organization an effective and fulfilling partnership based on the principles identified in the 2005-2010 CEC Strategic Plan: flexibility and mutual support; openness and transparency; and accountability. It is in this spirit that Canada has always engaged in the CEC and that it wishes to continue being involved.

87 CEC mission statement: To facilitate cooperation and public participation to foster conservation, protection and enhancement of the North American environment for the benefit of present and future generations, in the context of increasing economic, trade and social links among Canada, Mexico and the United States.

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