Evaluation of the Georgia Basin Action Plan

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Annex 4 - Process by Which Contacts Were Made

Letter of invitation

GBAP Project Partners - formal and informal - Interviewees


Dear __________:

Re: Evaluation of Georgia Basin Action Plan

We are writing to invite you to participate in an interview to assist in an evaluation of the Georgia Basin Action Plan (GBAP). Elevate Consulting has been contracted by Environment Canada to conduct this evaluation, and would greatly value your input from the perspective of a Project Partner with the GBAP.

As you know, the GBAP is a joint program of federal, provincial, local and aboriginal governments to strengthen the collective capacity to protect and restore the health of the Georgia Basin ecosystem while working cooperatively to provide economic opportunities and enhance human well-being. Environment Canada has committed to conducting a formative evaluation mid-way through the program (2005-2006) with the primary aim of assessing the degree to which the GBAP has become established and whether the program is operating as effectively and efficiently as possible within its evolving policy and budgetary context.

Elevate Consulting has been contracted by Environment Canada to conduct this evaluation, and would greatly value your input. Our evaluation will be based on data gathered from interviews, focus groups, surveys, case studies and a review of program documents.

We anticipate that our interview with you should take 45 to 60 minutes. We have attached the interview questions, so that you can review them in advance. Of course, your participation is voluntary and any information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. All information will be reported in summary format only, without any connection to any individual comments.

Should you have further questions about this evaluation, please contact Mary Beth Berube, Manager of the GBAP, at 604-713-9528, or mary.beth.berube@ec.gc.ca. We will be contacting you very shortly to schedule a time that we can conduct the interview. Thank you for your consideration.

Yours truly,

Bruce MacInnis

Elevate Consulting

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Process to track contacts

Given Elevate's past experience and Mary Beth's willingness to assist in this matter, I would suggest that the following process be followed for those interviewees with contact information provided:

Thank you, ...

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