Overview of the Reported 2009 Greenhouse Gas Emissions

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1 New Threshold for the Facility Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program

Environment Canada’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program has completed collecting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions information from Canadian facilities for the 2009 calendar year. A key change in the program’s reporting requirements from previous years was the lowering of the reporting threshold from 100 kilotonnes (kt) carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq) to 50 kt CO2 eq, starting with 2009 data (reported in 2010). Any facility with annual GHG emissions of 50 kt or higher is now required to report under the program. This change was implemented to enable Environment Canada to better understand GHG emissions across Canada and to better fulfill existing data needs. The reporting requirements for 2010 data to be submitted next year are set out in the Notice with respect to reporting of greenhouse gases (GHGs) for 20101 published in the Canada Gazette.

The Government of Canada established the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Program in March 2004 to collect GHG emissions information annually from Canadian facilities on a mandatory basis. This program is part of Canada’s ongoing effort to develop, in collaboration with the provinces and territories, a harmonized and efficient mandatory GHG reporting system which minimizes duplication and reporting burden for industry and governments alike. The program's four main objectives are to provide Canadians with timely information on GHG emissions, to validate estimates presented in the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory, to support provincial and territorial requirements for GHG emissions information, and to support the development of regulations.

1 This Notice can be viewed at: http://canadagazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2010/2010-08-14/html/notice-avis-eng.html

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