Evaluation of the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program

Final Report
November 2010

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Annex 2 Evaluation Issues and Questions

Evaluation Issues and Questions
Question Indicators Proposed Sources/Methods
Issue 1: Continued Need for the Program
1. Are activities within the Program connected with key environmental climate change needs? Degree to which the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program continues to meet climate change adaptation needs Document review

Key informant interviews

Issue 2: Alignment with Government Priorities
2. Are activities within the Program aligned with federal government priorities? Degree of alignment between the objectives of the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program and federal government priorities related to adaptation to climate change Document review

Key informant interviews

3. Are activities within the Program aligned with the priorities of Environment Canada? Extent to which the objectives of the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program match mandate and priorities of Environment Canada

Perceptions regarding the degree of alignment and examples of alignment between priorities of the Environment Canada and the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program

Document review

Key informant interviews

Issue 3: Alignment with Federal Roles and Responsibilities
4. Is there a legitimate and necessary role and responsibility for the federal government in the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program? Absence/presence of similar programs within the federal and/or provincial governments

Extent to which similar programs complement or duplicate the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program

Perceptions and examples of gaps in meeting the climate change needs of Canadians without the Program

Document review

Key informant interviews

Performance (effectiveness, efficiency and economy)
Issue 4: Achievement of Expected Outcomes
5. To what extent have intended outputs and early outcomes been achieved?
a) Tools, Processes and Systems Evidence of enhanced global climate model and development of regional climate model

Evidence of development of tools for climate change scenarios

Evidence of updates to scenarios and hazards websites

Document review

Key informant interviews

b) Research Number of peer-reviewed publications

Program outputs in international assessments

Evidence of the development of new research based on new climate models

Evidence of methodologies examined for incorporating changing climate into infrastructure design

Document review

Key informant interviews

c) Partnerships and Networks Evidence of participation in research networks to develop new research

Number of CCCSN servers deployed by region and by location

Number of CCCSN training workshops conducted

Number of regional sites added to hazards website

Evidence of stakeholder organizations consulted

Document review

Key informant interviews

Immediate Outcomes
d) Increased awareness of, availability of and access to research, websites and climate models Number of data downloads and requests from all program websites

Evidence of increased awareness of, availability of and access to global and regional climate models

Evidence of increased awareness and improved knowledge on climate models among training sessions and workshop participants

Evidence of improved access to hazards websites

Document review

Key informant interviews

File review

e) Greater collaboration within Canada and internationally to address climate change issues Evidence of collaborations with key stakeholders and program partners, as demonstrated by:
  • Co-authored publications
  • Formal agreements
  • Engagement with standards and codes agencies and industry associations
Document review

Key informant interviews

Intermediate Outcomes
f) Increased use of websites and climate models among target populations Perceptions among target populations on use of climate models and program websites in their own work Document review

Key informant interviews

g) Increased capacity to conduct climate change impacts and adaptation research among target populations Demonstrated evidence of increased capacity to conduct climate change impacts and adaptation research as a result of the Program Key informant interviews
h) Increased application of adaptation science and climate change research among target populations and appropriate jurisdictions Demonstrated evidence that adaptation and climate change impacts research has been applied Document review

Key informant interviews

Program-Level Long-Term Outcomes
j) User groups apply tools and information to assess climate change risks and plan adaptation strategies Opinions that the research and related products from the Program were used to assess risks and inform the development of strategies and plans to prepare for future climate extremes

Evidence of the adoption of new building codes that consider climate change risks

Document review

Key informant interviews

i) Stakeholders have taken actions to reduce their vulnerabilities from and have adapted to predicted impacts of climate change Perceptions that behaviours have changed as a result of the Program

Examples of user groups that factor climate change risks into their planning/decision processes

Document review

Key informant interviews

k) Risks to communities, infrastructure and to the health and safety of Canadians resulting from climate change have been reduced Evidence of whether risks to the health of Canadians resulting from climate change have been reduced as a result of the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program Document review

Key informant interviews

6. Has the Program been implemented, or is it on track to being implemented, as planned? Are program activities, processes and governance structures adequate for achieving expected program results? Extent to which performance data is comprehensive and appropriate

Proportion of activities and outputs planned versus those completed

Perceived adequacy of activities, processes and governance structures for achieving expected program results among program staff and partners

Extent to which barriers to program implementation are identified and/or resolved

Document review

Key informant interviews

Issue 5: Demonstration of Efficiency and Economy
7. Is the Program undertaking its activities and delivering its outputs at the lowest possible cost? How could the cost-efficiency of the Program's activities be improved? Are there alternative, more cost-efficient means of achieving program outputs? Cost analysis of resource utilization in relation to the production of outputs

Opinions of stakeholders on the cost-efficiency of delivering program outputs and how it could be improved

Document review

Key informant interviews

Review of financial information

8. Is the Program achieving its outcomes at the lowest cost possible? Are there alternative, less costly activities and deliverables that the Program could employ to achieve the same outcomes? Cost analysis of resource utilization in relation to progress toward intended outcomes

Presence/absence of less costly activity and output alternatives that would achieve the same results

Opinions of key informants on whether or not the Program is achieving its outcomes as cost-efficiently as possible

Document review

Key informant interviews

Review of financial information

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