Evaluation of the Improved Climate Change Scenarios Program

Final Report
November 2010

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Annex 3 List of Background Information and Supporting Documentation

Auld, H. (2009). Adaptation by design: The impact of a changing climate on infrastructure. The newsletter of the Adaptation and Impact Research Division, 11. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

Auld H. (2008). Disaster risk reduction under current and changing climate conditions. WMO Bulletin 57 (2).

Bizikova, L., Neale, T., and Burton, I. (2008). Canadian communities' guidebook for adaptation to climate change. Including an approach to generate mitigation co-benefit in the context of sustainable development. First edition. Environment Canada and University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

Boettcher Crawford, Erica. Bridging Science and Policy for Community Climate Change Adaptation: Is Climate Science "Usable" for Local Practitioners?, April 30 2009, p. 11.

Brooks, Mark, Gagnon-Lebrun, Frédéric, Harvey, Hélène and Sauvé, Claude (March 2009). Prioritizing Climate Change Risks and Actions on Adaptation: A Review of Selected Institutions, Tools and Approaches. Policy Research Initiative, Ottawa, ON.

Cohen, S. (2009). British Columbia municipalities adapting to climate change. The newsletter of the Adaptation and Impact Research Division, 11. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development (CESD). (2006). Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development to the House of Commons: Chapter 2: Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change.

Dickinson, T.(2007). The Compendium of Adaptation Models for Climate Change: First Edition, Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada, 42pgs. (ref provided)

Economics of Climate Adaptation (2009). Shaping Climate-Resilient Development: a Framework for Decision-Making.

Environment Canada and the Smithsonian Institution. (2008). Climate change and biodiversity in the Americas. Environment Canada and the Smithsonian Institution.

French, A., and MacLellan, J. (2009). Rapid assessment of the impacts of climate research (RAICC). The newsletter of the Adaptation and Impact Research Division, 11. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

Gleckler, P. J., Taylor, K. E., Doutriaux, C. (2008). Performance metrics for climate models, Journal of Geophysical Research, 113. P. 1-20.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007): Fourth Assessment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Climate Change 2007: Synthesis Report.

Lemmen, D.S, Warren, F. J., Lacroix, J., and Bush, E., editors (2008); From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Mills, B. (2002). The road well travelled: Implications of climate change for pavement infrastructure in southern Canada. The newsletter of the Adaptation and Impact Research Division, 11. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

Mills, B., Unrau, D., Parkinson, C., Jones, B., Yessis, J., Spring, K. and Pentelow, L..(2009). Striking back: An assessment of lightning-related fatality and injury Risk in Canada. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada, Waterloo, Canada. 36p.

Mills, B., Unrau, D., Pentelow, L., and Spring, K. (2009). Flash Back: a review of lightning-related damage and disruption literature. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, occasional paper 16. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

Mirza, M. (2009). Vulnerability of and response to climate change in the cities of the Americas. The newsletter of the Adaptation and Impact Research Division, 11. Adaptation and Impact Research Division, Environment Canada.

National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy. True North: Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change in Northern Canada. 2009, p. 85-86.

Office of the Auditor General of Canada (2006). The 2006 Report of the Commissioner of the Environment and Sustainable Development, Chapter 2: Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change.

Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA). Meeting the Challenge of Climate Change: TRCA Action Plan for the Living City, p. 13.

Warren, F.J. and Egginton, P.A. (2008): Background Information; in From Impacts to Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate 2007, edited by D.S. Lemmen, F.J. Warren, J. Lacroix and E. Bush; Government of Canada, Ottawa, ON. P.29.

Williams, K. D., Webb, M. J. (2009). A quantitative performance assessment of cloud regimes in climate models. Climate Dynamics, 33-1. p. 141-157. Retrieved February 26, 2010 from http://www.springerlink.com/content/t4612gv626q2hn44/

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